Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Important note

Any reference herein to “God” is intended to be exclusively to the God that man had created in his (man’s) image. The “God” in the text therefore refers entirely to the figment of the imagination of primitive man of more than 2 000 years ago. Nothing contained herein is therefore intended to be blasphemous, or is indeed blasphemous of the true Deity or Theity.

After the Biblical flood, mankind once again grew in numbers, but this time with at least three pairs of men and women, the sons of Noah, and their wives, as point of departure. (I am leaving Noah and his wife out of the breeding activities).

But as was the case in the time of Adam and Eve, the problem of a paucity of women once more reared its head. Whereas some mention was made of girls being born to mankind during the period prior to the flood, no mention is made of the birth of girls after the flood. So, where did the vast number of male descendants of Noah’s sons get their wives? Did they perhaps copulate in a frenzied orgy with their aunts? It can be expected that the strapping young men, with hormones pumping, were desperately looking for some sexual action, and if only an old aunt was available, then that would have to do.

It is however reasonable to assume that the Bible did not make mention of the girls that were born to mankind, simply because the general sentiment of the Bible is that women are inferior to men. What follows is a brief discussion of the Bible’s women bashing. Unless otherwise stated, the quotations are from the contents of the Good News Bible, a version of the Bible that is based on the Masoretic text.

As regards the inferiority of women, as contended in the Bible, it is stated, quite falsely;

“For Adam was created first, and then Eve.”
(1 Timothy 2:13)

On a certain level, that is not true because it is stated in Genesis 1:27 that God;

“created them male and female”.

But it all started when God said (and don’t know who could possibly have heard this divine utterance and live to talk or write about it);

“And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.”
(Genesis 1:26)

So, after the decision to “make human beings” was taken by the Deity, what happened thereafter is that;

“God created human beings, making them to be like himself”.
(Genesis 1:27)

Despite the obvious equality of men and women evidenced by; “they will be like us and resemble us” (my underling); and further evidenced by
“God created human beings, making them to be like himself”, the male-chauvinistic-pig-stuff is really laid on thick in the following twaddle:

“A man has no need to cover his head, because he reflects the image and glory of God. But woman reflects the glory of man; for man was not created from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for woman’s sake, but woman was created for man’s sake.”
(1 Corinthians 11:7-9)

And the baloney continues with the following false nonsense:

“And it was not Adam who was deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and broke God’s law.”
(1 Timothy 2:14)

And as if that is not bad enough, the Bible (as created by primitive man) actually instructs women to treat their husbands like a god by stipulating that they conduct themselves as follows:

“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the Church.”
(Ephesians 5:22-23)

The Bible also states that;

“Women should learn in silence and all humility. I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet.”
(1 Timothy 2:11-12)

But how low the Bible rates women is spectacularly illustrated by the following “disgraceful” contents of the Bible:

“It is a disgraceful thing for a woman to speak in Church.”
(1 Corinthians 14:35)

How shameful, shocking, outrageous, scandalous, reprehensible, appalling, vile, despicable, loathsome, evil, fiendish, demonic, a statement is that?

But the denigration of woman goes even further in that women are portrayed, in the Bible, as mere instruments of sexual pleasure. That attitude of the Bible is succinctly depicted in the following words:

“A man does well not to marry. But because there is so much immorality, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband.”
(1 Corinthians 7:1-2)

So the message of the Bible to men is that it is better not to marry. But if a man is in desperate need of sexual intercourse then, and only then, would it be advisable to get a wife, for that purpose, and that purpose alone. So to all men the Bible, in effect gives the following advice: If you are in need of sex, get a wife! Otherwise stay away from marriage.

But I do expect Christian apologists to come crawling out of the woodwork and say something like “times have changed”. If that position should be adopted, then my question would be: Is the Bible therefore out of date? And if the reply should be in the affirmative, then another question would be: Is the Bible therefore no longer God’s word?

But the most shocking of all the Bible’s slandering, vilifying, maligning, and denigration of women, is the scorn that the Bible pours on women by stating in the beginning of the very first book of the Bible that the first woman that God created sinned; that it was “not Adam”, but the woman “that was deceived and broke God’s law”; and thereafter prophesying towards the end of the last book of the Bible (in Revelations 14:3-4 – King James Version) that only 144 000 men;

“they which were not defiled with women"
(Revelations 14:4 – King James Version);

would be “redeemed” (Revelations 14:3). (An Oxford Dictionary synonym for “redeem” is “deliver from sin and damnation”). And in order to ensure that there cannot be any doubt about the import of the notion, “defiled with women” the Bible states the following about the 144 000 fortunate men that are “redeemed”:

“They are the men who have kept themselves pure by not having sexual relations with women; they are virgins.”
(Revelations 14:4)

Oops! Having defiled myself big time with my lovely marriage partner during our 48 years of marriage (that still exists and is still a cause of my defiling) my place in hell is securely booked. But since my wife is in any event not going to be “redeemed” (because there will not be any women in heaven, only virgin men) I would rather go to hell with her.

Incidentally, since we only have daughters, and all women are going to hell, (as if they have not had enough hell on earth from men), we are fortunate in that all three our daughters will join us in hell (as if they haven’t given us enough hell on earth – just kidding!) If there were ever four women that should go to heaven, it would be my wife and three daughters.


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